District ONE
Organizing New Economy
District O.n.e.
Economic Development through support of Local Food, Active Living & Sustainable Living Technologies
Make Sure it's Certified Local!
1. Support local farms: Buying local food keeps local farms healthy and creates local jobs at farms and in local food processing and distribution systems.
2. Boosts local economy: Food dollars spent at local farms and food producers stay in the local economy, creating more jobs at other local businesses and a more sustainable community.
3. Less travel: Local food travels much less distance to market than typical fresh or processed grocery store foods, therefore using less fuel and generating fewer greenhouse gases.
4. Less waste: Because of the shorter distribution chains for local foods, less food is wasted in distribution, warehousing and merchandising. Over 40% of commercially grown food is wasted!
5. More freshness: Local food is fresher, healthier and tastes better, because it spends less time in transit from farm to plate, loses fewer nutrients and incurs less spoilage
6. New and better flavors: A commitment to buy local encourages people to discover new foods, new ways to prepare food and promotes a better appreciation of the pleasure of each season’s foods.
7. Good for the soil: Local food encourages diversification of local agriculture, which reduces the reliance on monoculture—single crops grown over a wide area to the detriment of soils.
8. Attracts tourists: Local foods promote agri-tourism—farmers markets and opportunities to visit farms and local food producers help draw tourists to a region.
9. Preserves open space: Buying local food helps local farms survive and thrive, keeping land from being redeveloped into suburban sprawl.
10. Builds more connected communities: Local foods create more vibrant communities by connecting people with the farmers and food producers who bring them healthy local foods. As customers of CSAs and farmers markets have discovered, they are great places to meet and connect with friends as well as farmers.
Make Sure it's Certified Local!
1. Support local farms: Buying local food keeps local farms healthy and creates local jobs at farms and in local food processing and distribution systems.
2. Boosts local economy: Food dollars spent at local farms and food producers stay in the local economy, creating more jobs at other local businesses and a more sustainable community.
3. Less travel: Local food travels much less distance to market than typical fresh or processed grocery store foods, therefore using less fuel and generating fewer greenhouse gases.
4. Less waste: Because of the shorter distribution chains for local foods, less food is wasted in distribution, warehousing and merchandising. Over 40% of commercially grown food is wasted!
5. More freshness: Local food is fresher, healthier and tastes better, because it spends less time in transit from farm to plate, loses fewer nutrients and incurs less spoilage
6. New and better flavors: A commitment to buy local encourages people to discover new foods, new ways to prepare food and promotes a better appreciation of the pleasure of each season’s foods.
7. Good for the soil: Local food encourages diversification of local agriculture, which reduces the reliance on monoculture—single crops grown over a wide area to the detriment of soils.
8. Attracts tourists: Local foods promote agri-tourism—farmers markets and opportunities to visit farms and local food producers help draw tourists to a region.
9. Preserves open space: Buying local food helps local farms survive and thrive, keeping land from being redeveloped into suburban sprawl.
10. Builds more connected communities: Local foods create more vibrant communities by connecting people with the farmers and food producers who bring them healthy local foods. As customers of CSAs and farmers markets have discovered, they are great places to meet and connect with friends as well as farmers.